Document Automation: Merge Fields

Document Automation: Merge Fields


The following section uses the notation«»to refer to Word MailMerge fields which are available to be included as part of templates uploaded to Matters.Cloud

Fields: Document

The following merge fields are available for the current document:
Merge FieldDescription
«»Date when document was first created from a template (short format)
Date when document was first created from a template (long format)
Full name of the user who generated the document
Email address of the user who generated the document
Job title of the user who generated the document

Fields: Entity

The following merge fields are available for the current entity:
Merge FieldDescription
«»Unique identifier of the entity
Tax or VAT registration number of the entity
«=entity.domain_name»URL for the entity's website
«=entity.business_phone»Business phone number of the entity
«»Email address of the entity
«=entity.address_1»Address line 1 of the primary address for the entity
«=entity.address_2»Address line 2 of the primary address for the entity
«=entity.address_3»Address line 3 of the primary address for the entity
«=entity.address_city»City of of the primary address for the entity
«=entity.address_region»Region/state of the selected address
«=entity.address_country»Country of the selected address
«=entity.address_postcode»Postcode/zipcode of the selected address
Full address in a single line
Full address across multiple lines

Fields: Addressee

The following merge fields are available for the current address:
Merge FieldDescription
«»Name of the addressee (organization name or full name if contact)
«=addressee.first_name»First name of addressee (contact only)
Middle name of addressee (contact only)
«=addressee.last_name»Last name of addressee (contact only)
«»Email address of the addressee (billing email or email if contact)
Home phone number of addressee (contact only)
Business phone number of addressee
Mobile phone number of addressee (contact only)
«=addressee.address_1»Address line 1 of the selected address
«=addressee.address_2»Address line 2 of the selected address
«=addressee.address_3»Address line 3 of the selected address
«=addressee.address_city»City of the selected address
«=addressee.address_region»Region/state of the selected address
«=addressee.address_country»Country of the selected address
«=addressee.address_postcode»Postcode/zipcode of the selected address
Full address in a single line
Full address across multiple lines

Fields: Client

The following merge fields are available for the current client:
Merge Field
Unique identifier of the client record
«»Name of the client
«=client.payment_days»Middle name of contact person
Tax or VAT registration number of the client
«=client.domain_name»URL for the client's website
«=client.business_phone»Business phone number of the client
«»Email address of the client
Address line 1 of the selected address
Address line 2 of the selected address
Address line 3 of the selected address
City of the selected address
Region/state of the selected address
Country of the selected address
Postcode/zipcode of the selected address
Full address in a single line
Full address across multiple lines

Fields: Matter

The following merge fields are available for the current matter:
Merge Field
«=matter.matter_code»Unique identifier of the matter record
«»Name of the matter
Unique client reference for the matter
«=matter.type»Type of the matter
Currency of the matter
«=matter.open_date»Date when matter was first opened
«=matter.close_date»Date when matter was closed
«=matter.estimated_hours»Estimated hours for the matter
«=matter.estimated_expenses»Estimated expenses/disbursements for the matter
Estimated fees for the matter
Full name of the user assigned to the matter
Email address of the user assigned to the matter
Job title of the user assigned to the matter

Fields: Custom

The following types of custom fields are supported for use in the merge process:
  1. Client (Organization/Contact)
  2. Matter
In order to include a custom merge field you simply pr​​​​efix the name of the custom field as follows:


client = the name of the data type (eg client or matter)
industry_sector = the name of the custom field in lower case with an underscore between each word.

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