How to Delete Time Entries

How to Delete Time Entries


Time management is crucial for ensuring accurate billing and reporting. There may be instances where you need to delete a time entry due to errors or adjustments. This guide outlines the steps for deleting time entries within Matters.Cloud.
Note: Deleting time requires a user to have the 'Delete time' permission assigned to their user role. If you do not see the option to delete a time entry please contact your internal system administrator as this may be restricted based on your firms policy.

Steps to Delete a Time Entry

  1. Login to Matters.Cloud

    • Access your Matters.Cloud account by entering your credentials on the login page.
  2. Navigate to the Time Section

    • On the left-hand menu, select Time to view your time entries.
    • If viewing the time calendar, either drill down on a specific date, or click the List button in the top left of the screen.
  3. Search for the Time Entry

    • Use the search or filter options to locate the specific time entry you wish to delete.
    • You can filter by Date, ClientMatter, Person, or Billable Status to narrow down the results.
  4. Select the Time Entry

    • Once the relevant entry is found, click on the Edit button for time entry to view its details.
  5. Delete the Time Entry

    • At the bottom of the time entry details screen, click the Delete button.
    • A confirmation prompt will appear, asking you to confirm the deletion.
    • Click Yes, Delete to permanently remove the entry.
    • Note: Once deleted, time entries cannot be recovered.
  6. Verify Deletion

    • After deleting the time entry, the system will redirect you back to the main time tracking page.
    • Ensure that the entry no longer appears in your list of time records.


  • Billed Time: If the time entry has already been invoiced, you will not be able to delete it directly. In such cases, you may need to credit note the invoice first before making changes.

  • Time Entry Locked by Admin: Deletion of time entries may be restricted by an administrator due to firm policies. If you are unable to delete an entry, contact your system administrator for assistance.

  • Deleting Multiple Time Entries: If you need to delete multiple time entries, you can use the multiple delete feature. Check multiple time entries from the list view, then select the Delete button from the menu. 

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