Importing Documents Using ndOffice

Importing Documents Using ndOffice


This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to import documents into NetDocuments using the ndOffice application. Whether you're transitioning to the platform and need to upload documents from an existing file share or a third-party application, or have received a large number of documents you need to upload., understanding these steps will help you efficiently organise and secure your files within the NetDocuments environment. 

Introducing ndOffice Doc Import

ndOffice includes a new Activity Center tab that allows users to upload thousands of documents at a time with relative ease. This is ideal for users who would like to import a workspace worth of documents or similar situations. This tool is limited to 10,000 objects (i.e., files and folders) per run.
Important: The ndOffice Doc Import feature is not intended as a replacement for large scale import tools.

Using Doc Import

Upon installing ndOffice 4.0, you will see the new upload tab in the Activity Center.

A screenshot of a upload menu  Description automatically generated
 You can initiate an import in a few different ways:

  • Drag and drop items into the rectangular drop zone
  • Select the word files from the rectangular drop zone to open the file picker
A white rectangular sign with black text  Description automatically generated
  • Select the word folders from the rectangular drop zone to open the folder selector which will only allow folders to be selected for importing
A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Note: Importing an entire folder tree keeps the whole folder structure when imported into NetDocuments.

Once you have selected your desired files and/or folders, click the Select Destination button that appears in the bottom right corner.
A screenshot of a upload page  Description automatically generated

Navigate to your desired location in NetDocuments. You can select a workspace by either profiling it, searching it out via the search field, or navigating to it using the Go to Workspace button. These work the same as in all other areas of ndOffice.
A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

After you’ve chosen your NetDocuments location, you will be brought to the upload page where you can review the upload details including the location and the number of files to be uploaded, and the profile. Select the Upload button to begin uploading:
A screenshot of a upload  Description automatically generated

When upload begins, you will be brought to a new screen showing the status of each document:
A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated
They will either show as pending, uploaded successfully, or failed. A green progress bar will display for each individual document, indicating the progress of that document.

Once all documents have been uploaded (or attempted to upload in the case that some may have failed) a screen will display the number of files successfully uploaded:
A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated
If any files had failed to upload, the number of files failed would also display here.

Clicking View Results will bring you to a folder where you can open a .csv to review a report of the import log showing all upload successes as well as any failures and reasons for the upload failures. Clicking Finish brings you back to the first import screen to start a new import.

You can always easily navigate to all previous logs from the more button  in the top right corner of the activity center, available on every screen of the Upload tab:
A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

Error Handling

If a file fails to upload on the first try, you will be given the opportunity to retry the upload. You can retry an upload up to three times. After the third time, you will no longer be given the opportunity to retry that upload. If the error continues to persist, we suggest viewing the logs and addressing the error given as to why the upload failed.

If a file fails to upload due to reasons that a retry would simply not resolve the issue, such as an unsupported file extension in NetDocuments, a retry option will not be offered as a retry would never fix that issue.

Useful Resources

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